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Talented and Gifted

Greetings from the NC TAG Program!


We are looking forward to jumping into gifted learning this year through the implementation of the Mississippi Gifted Outcomes (adopted by MDE in 2017): Creativity, Thinking Skills, Information Literacy, Communication Skills, Success Skills, and Affective Skills (Social Emotional Needs), along with a focus on Career Exploration-Life Skills and Visual and Performing Arts.


Our NC TAG Instructors are members of the Mississippi Association for Gifted Children (MAGC) and the East Central Talented and Gifted Association (ECTAG).  Our instructors attend the annual MAGC Conference for professional development specifically in gifted education.  Our TAG students participate in educational trips (performing arts -musicals, plays, museums and career exploration, etc.) and compete in various competitions in the classroom and beyond throughout the year (robotics, creative writing, egg drop engineering challenge, chess, quiz bowl, scrabble, senior scholars, visual art, and others). 


Our NC TAG Mission is to provide an enrichment program of individual, purposeful activates that challenge and develop students’ full potential.  These activities will encourage discovery of new strengths, interests, and abilities, and build the students’ capability to effectively use all of their knowledge and experiences in any situation. Our NC TAG Primary Outcome is to develop a student’s metacognition (an awareness of, and understanding of one’s own thinking process more effectively) through the implementation of the six major outcomes.


NOTE: If parents/guardians of a Newton County Student are interested in learning more about the Talented and Gifted Referral Process, please see the Newton County Special Education Services tab on the NC website Click Here

or contact Mrs. Brooke Sibley, NC Gifted Program Director.


NC Talented and Gifted Personnel:

John May

Director of Special Education, MTSS, & Student Services

(769) 757-0060

(769) 757-0060 Fax



Mandy Hopkins

NCES TAG Instructor




Chris Whittle

NCES TAG Instructor

